The "I AM" Blog

How Journaling Can Improve Your Sleep
The constant demands of our daily lives make it challenging to relax and achieve a truly peaceful sleep. However, there is a potential remedy that is both simple and effective: journaling. By embracing the act of writing, you can unlock...
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Easy Ways to Practice Self-love
We all have moments when we feel down on ourselves and lack self-esteem, but it's important to practice self-love and self-care in order to be our best selves. This article will explore ways to be good to yourself by practicing...
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4 Surprising Ways Meditation Enhances Life
Meditation can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s really not as complicated as it seems. In fact, research is beginning to show that meditation could be one of the most useful skills you’ve never been taught. Sure,...
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6 Reasons Millennials Should Be Meditating
My first real encounter with meditation was at a new church.  Before the service, they did a 20-30 minute silent meditation, and it was one of the oddest things I’ve experienced.   A room full of people actively not thinking,...
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