The "I AM" Blog

Loving Yourself After Giving Birth
Giving birth is a miraculous journey that brings immense joy and fulfillment, but it can also be a challenging period for self-esteem and self-love. As a new mother, it's crucial to prioritize your own well-being alongside caring for your newborn....
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How to Manifest a Happy Home
We all dream of a happy home, a place filled with love, laughter, and a sense of belonging. It's a desire as natural as breathing, and you deserve to see it come true. But how do we bridge the gap...
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Taming the Overthinker
We often find ourselves lost in thought, contemplating what our life will look like in 10 years, reliving past mistakes, or worrying about problems that haven't yet occurred. Overthinking can be an exhausting cycle that takes us away from the...
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Breaking Free from Stagnation
Many people find themselves stuck and unable to take the first step toward their goals. We feel you! You spend hours envisioning it. But then… nothing happens. Days turn into weeks, and that initial spark starts to dwindle. However, the...
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Healthy Outlets for Frustration
Frustration is a common emotion we all face, but it's important not to take it out on those around us. Your family and friends are not your frustration sponges. Instead, finding healthy ways to manage your frustration is necessary. Here's...
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