The "I AM" Blog

Confidence Is the New Beautiful
Most of us have experienced the sting of a side-eye at some point in our lives, whether it was for how we look, dress, or speak. It's easy to let such moments influence our behavior, prompting us to change who...
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Finding Light Through Loss
When we lose someone dear, grief often accompanies us like a shadow. Amidst the sorrow, however, lies a profound opportunity to celebrate the cherished moments and express gratitude for the impact they had on our lives. Gratitude journaling serves as...
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A Leap of Faith and Beyond
Deep down, we all possess a unique spark – a hidden talent or burning passion waiting to illuminate the world. Sometimes, fear and self-doubt can dim that flame, leaving us feeling stuck and unsure. But here's the magic: a little...
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Comparing Is a Confidence Killer!
You know that feeling? You're at lunch, minding your own business, and someone starts talking about their latest promotion or amazing vacation. Suddenly leaving you feeling a little insecure about your own progress "Here I am, stuck in the same place," you...
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How Understanding Others Strengthens Relationships
In any relationship, whether romantic or platonic, disagreements are bound to arise. However, the way we handle these disagreements can significantly impact the health and longevity of the relationship. Rather than avoiding or fearing conflict, embracing disagreements with empathy and...
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