The "I AM" Blog
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can feel like everything is going at a million miles an hour. And who could blame us? In addition to all the parties, family get-togethers, and shopping...
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Emotions are an extremely important part of life. They help us to connect with others, anticipate events and provide a sense of well-being. When our emotions are controlled and managed, they can bring great benefits. However, if we don’t learn...
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Meditation can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s really not as complicated as it seems. In fact, research is beginning to show that meditation could be one of the most useful skills you’ve never been taught. Sure,...
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The Power of Positive Affirmations Positive affirmations are statements that confirm your worth and potential. Positive affirmations empower you by showing you what you want in life and helping you believe that it’s possible. They also help encourage you to...
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It's likely that you've felt overwhelmed by your work and your life lately. That's because the modern world is designed to make us feel like we don't have enough time for everything, let alone anyone else. With smartphones, social media,...
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