The "I AM" Blog

Discovering the Magic of Journal Prompts
Whether you're a journaling beginner or a seasoned pro, there will be times when it feels like the empty page is judging you, and no words seem to come to mind. But fear not, there's a solution: journal prompts! But...
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What is the point of a bullet journal?
I admit, my brain is a cluttered mess most of the time. To-do lists explode across sticky notes, half-formed ideas haunt the corners of my mind, and important reminders vanish into the abyss of my phone's notes app. Sound familiar?...
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What will you do to achieve your vision?
Have you ever looked up at a star-studded sky and felt a flicker of a dream ignite within you? Maybe it's mastering that language you've always loved, writing a captivating novel, or finally conquering that fear of public speaking. Whatever...
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