The "I AM" Blog

Why Practice Gratitude? - 3 Easy Ways to Start in 5 mins or less.

Studies show practicing gratitude helps you feel more peaceful, sleep better, reduce stress and attract more goodness in your life.  By practicing gratitude, you train your brain to focus and highlight good things that are happening that we often overlook. 


Want to start your own gratitude practice?  Make it easy with the PleaseNotes Guided Gratitude Journal, launching on Kickstarter, headed to stores near you. 

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10 Easy Affirmations to Attract Wealth
Allow money to come to you quickly and easily. Practice with these 10 easy affirmations twice daily, said with excitement and enthusiasm. The more you step into the feeling of Wealth, soak in the feeling of it, and practice being it, the quicker it comes to you!
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Integrate Self-Care for a Healthier You
There’s a lot that fitness can do for your overall health. However, did you know that self-care is important for wellness too? Balancing a consistent fitness routine with regular self-care is the simplest way to achieve your health and wellness goals, and get on track to looking and feeling your best. Finding the time to commit to so many healthy new habits can be a challenge, especially if you already have a packed schedule. That’s why you need some simple self-care and fitness tips, such as the ones below, to reach those goals so much easier.
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