The "I AM" Blog

Steps to Boost Your Confidence - Align with the Right People. Take Care of Your Health. Don't Fear Failure. Set Realistic Goals and Create Positive Self-Talk
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Learn how to use a daily planner to reach goals and dreams you never thought were possible. If that sounds interesting, let's crack open that new planner and follow along!
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In short, the Law of Attraction is the philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts can bring about negative outcomes. It is based on the belief that the power of the mind can translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality.
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Related: How do you Manifest with Water? Learn how!
Related: What is Guided Journaling - Clarity Journaling
Related: 3 Reasons Why Gratitude Journaling does Wonders for your Mental and Financial Health.
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What is Clarity Journaling?
Clarity Journaling is the process of using journaling to delve deeper into a situation so you can create alignment with what you want your next steps to be. Clarity Journaling is super supportive if you have a conflict between your head and your heart.