5 Motivating Books for Entrepreneurs

5 Motivating Books for Entrepreneurs - PleaseNotes

I've had the amazing practice of reading and listening to a ton of books that have changed the way I see myself, and my business.  Since 99.9999% percent of success in business is mindset, keeping your mind fed with knowledge, perspectives and new EQ boosters is what's going to really bring your business to the next level. 

Related: How Journaling Helped Me Manifest a Life I Love.


These books aren't just about the day-to-day tactics and strategies.  I like to think of this as building the foundation of the skyscraper, and by continually re-enforcing it, the sky is the limit.

Related: 10 Productivity Hacks for New Entrepreneurs

1) Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

This book is one of my favorites, I've listened to this on audiobook a million times.

The reason I picked this one is mainly because of the guidance and insight I found when shifting from the role of an employee to an entrepreneur.  I was used to "things aren't happening, work harder" which actually can create a huge dumpster fire if you are a creative.  Through this book I learned more about myself and understood that the frustrations I had were because my expectations of results were not meant for the entrepreneurial space.  Elizabeth ( she also wrote Eat, Pray, Love) touches on these subjects and more about what inspiration is, how it can move from person to person, how other famous people see their creativity, and various experiences as she moved from waitress to acclaimed author. Every time I listen to it, (usually on runs) I hear something new in a completely different way as it applies to me in this moment, since I was in a different place the last time I heard it.


2) Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

There was a-lot of buzz around Gladwell ( he also wrote The Tipping Point) when I finally got Outliers (also on audiobook) and I understand why.  This particular book analytically lays out how a large crop of influential people actually became influential. Not because they were better or different or more skilled, because of a host of things.  Perhaps there was a unique circumstance that was happening in the world at that time, or a person was affected because of the root origins of their family, or perhaps their birth month allowed them to be successes in their field.  I walked away from this book looking at myself, my circumstances, and how this unique combination of things have set me up for success.


3) Ask and It is Given - Esther and Jerry Hicks

Ask and it is given - Esther and Jerry Hicks - Abraham - Law of Attraction

Not your traditional book, the main focus is on the Law of Attraction and teaches you how to leverage it.This book was "channelled" through this magnificent woman named Esther, and she and her husband, Jerry, were actually featured in the original version of The Secret. I had been listening to her seminar sessions on YouTube ( which are amazing) and the book just solidified everything for me.  She goes into specific techniques to get you to raise your vibration and put you into the receiving mode so that you can really enjoy the journey, and receive all the goodies you desire. The biggest thing I took away from the Abraham-Hicks work is being able to see what my blocks were to success, money, and the results I wanted in my business so that I could transform them, and get the goodness that I wanted.


4) The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein

The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein

This book was a huge game changer for me.  I was walking through a Chapters in Toronto and saw this on the shelf and I knew I had to buy it.  I would be lying if I gave you a reason why.  I diligently read this book first thing in the morning and before I went to bed and I recieved such a sense of peace, awakening, and I knew I wasn't alone.  As a solo-preneur, often times it feels like you are the only one in your corner and you can get burnt out, tired, and doubt yourself.  This book not only taught me different techniques to get my groove back it also reminded me of the truth. No matter what I did, if it was inspired and it felt good, that I was moving in the right direction.

5) You Are A Badass At Making Money - Jen Sincero

 You are a badass at making money - Jen Sinceri

Ready to make some money?  This book was great for me because;

A) It was written in a light-hearted, candid, authentic way.

B) It gave you exercises to do on your own to really make things happen ( including affirmations similar to ones you would find here

C) It allowed me to dig around and clear out even more blocks to money that I thought I already had handled!

Jen speaks about being a 40+ person being broke, tired of being broke, and making HUGE leaps of faith to get the success that she's been wanting for decades.  

Related: Whoop Whoop! Check out PleaseNotes on LT in the City!

Do you have any favorite books you would like to add?

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1 comment

  • Tiffany

    Thanks for the recommendation. So funny to come across this. I recommended a few books on my last post and “Big Magic” was def one of them.

    Feel free to check us out.

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