Journaling for a Better You in 2022

Journaling for a Better You in 2022 - PleaseNotes

When we read other people’s journals, we often find ourselves inspired to write our own. Why? Well, there are quite a few reasons why you should start writing in your journal again — no matter whether you’re a person who tends to shy away from personal matters or not. A study published in the Journal of Research in Personality discovered that people who frequently kept a personal diary were more likely to be happy with life, trust others, look for hidden meanings in things, and have high self-esteem. They also had fewer problems with interpersonal relationships and felt that they could express their emotions and opinions to those they cared about. Besides all that, regularly keeping a journal is also one of the best ways to improve self-confidence and self-esteem. Self-awareness is key when it comes to making yourself a better person, and reading your private thoughts out loud is probably one of the quickest ways to do it too. Keep reading if you need convincing on how reading other people’s journals can help you become a better version of yourself.

Related: 6 Journaling Tips to Make It Part of Your Daily Routine


You’ll be more self-aware.

You might not have a diary to read. But you can still benefit from journaling. One of the best ways to improve your self-awareness is by making a journal for yourself. This way, you’ll get more in touch with your thoughts and feelings — as well as your emotions and reactions. The Journal of Research in Personality found that people who frequently kept a personal diary were more likely to be happy with life, trust others, look for hidden meanings in things, and have high self-esteem. They also had fewer problems with interpersonal relationships and felt that they could express their emotions and opinions to those they cared about. Besides all that, regularly keeping a journal is also one of the best ways to improve self-confidence and self-esteem.


You’ll have a better understanding of yourself.

One of the main reasons why journaling is so important is because it can help you develop a better understanding of yourself. In order to write your journal, you’ll need to make a timeline for yourself and think about all of the major events in your life. When you do this, it’s pretty easy to pinpoint moments where things changed for the better and became more positive. The journaling process will also give you insight into how others perceive you and your personality. It can be challenging to have an objective view of ourselves, but it becomes much easier when we take a moment to remember what we did yesterday or last week and write it down. This process not only helps us become more aware of our tendencies but also helps us change them as well.


Self-confidence and self-esteem will improve.

Keeping a journal can be a great way to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. While reading other people’s journals may not be the best motivation to start writing, it can help you realize that you aren’t alone in the world. Many people face the same struggles and pressures that you do, which builds up your self-awareness. Reading other people’s journals can also help you realize how similar you are to others — it doesn’t matter if they are strangers or friends. You see that everyone who experiences frustration and anxiety has trouble with relationships and is insecure about themselves at some point. Writing in your journal regularly will also help make you more confident because it’ll allow you to vent out thoughts and feelings from your everyday life. You may find yourself feeling anxious about a certain situation but then write about it down in order to get through it more easily than before. It could be a challenging day at work or something going on in your personal life, but by writing down what happened, you will feel more like yourself again.

Related: 5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence

You’ll learn to express your emotions better.

Let’s face it; sometimes, your emotions can get the better of you. It is never easy to express how you feel in a healthy way, and often, we end up suppressing our feelings. Journaling helps with this because writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great way of understanding yourself better and can help you manage difficult emotions. You’ll be able to understand what triggers certain negative emotions and when they are coming on, which will make it easier for you to decide how best to handle them. This means that if your journal has helped you understand your moods, then by reading other people’s journals, you might be able to find some interesting insights into how they manage their own mood swings too!

Related: How To Process Your Emotions in Healthy, Productive Ways

You’ll build up trust in other people.

One of the best ways to build up trust in other people is to write about what you think and feel, even if it feels difficult. Your journal will be a place to vent your thoughts and feelings without feeling any pressure. It can be a place where you can express yourself without worrying about what others might say or think. At the end of the day, that’s why journaling is so important — you have an opportunity to develop a relationship with yourself. You’re able to breathe, relax, and enjoy reading your thoughts out loud.

You may discover hidden meanings in your life.

Remember when you were a kid, and you found a picture of yourself in an old photo album? You might not remember the event, but looking at how you felt back then can make you nostalgic. That’s because, according to research published by Psychology Today, nostalgia is all about memory — but it’s more than just remembering events that happened in the past. It’s also about how we feel about those memories. When it comes to journaling, reflecting on what went well or poorly in your life may help uncover hidden meanings. And if you want to go even deeper, start writing about what’s bothering you and why. You might be surprised by what you learn in the process!

Journaling is a simple and powerful tool that can help you change your life. Journaling is a way to uncover hidden meanings in your life, and it’s also a way to express yourself and gain more self-knowledge. If you’ve never written anything down before, there are journals on our site to help you start your journey. 

Related: The Guided Clarity Journal

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