The 2024 Ultimate Girlfriend Holiday Gift Guide For Men, By Women

Hey you, we ladies know that buying the perfect gift for your special girl can be a sweaty-palmed, anxiety-filled ordeal. So we wanted to make it so you can get the best gift, without any backlash. Perfect for the holidays, birthdays or just to keep you out of the doghouse, this gift guide is for you. To make it even easier, we've even set up links to the items, so let your fingers do the walking.
Related: PleaseNotes is Featured In The Huffington Post Holiday Gift Guide!
The Sentimental Girl

Digital Photo Frame loaded with photos of you two
Difficulty level: Easy
Suggested Add Ons: Champagne, Tickets stub from an event attended together, Overstuffed Teddy Bear
Say all the things you really want to (or that she really wants you to say) with this gift. All she wants to know is that you pay attention to the little things, and that you really care.
The Glam Girl

Difficulty Level: Medium
Suggested Add Ons: Red Wine, Red Roses, Day at the spa
Tell her how much you appreciate the time she takes to look as delicious as she does. Any girl knows that going to get the equipment to practice her artistry can be pricey, so she’ll love the fact you support her talents and want to pamper her from the inside out.
*Warning, If your girl does not wear makeup, this is not a gift to get her to start. Don't be that guy.
The Free Spirit
The Rose Quartz Crownworks Crystal Comb
Difficulty Level: Easy
Suggested Add Ons: Sage, Unconditional Love Candle, Organic Tequila
You guys are destined to be together, she saw it in a meditation. You love the fact she’s a little out of the box, and she loves getting new trinkets to add to her collection. She’ll feel the stronger connection, and you’ll manifest some magic between the two of you.
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Difficulty Level: Hard
Suggested Add Ons: Vodka, Go Pro, Selfie Stick
She’s ride or die, and loves surprises. The best way to wow her, is to whisk her away on a weekend adventure. Not only would she appreciate you planning a whole trip, you also get bonus points for making sure she could properly document and share this trip of a lifetime.
Related: PleaseNotes feature on YOUNGRY!What kind of lady do you have, and what do you think she would like? Comment below.
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