Start Your New Year With A Gratitude Journal: For A Happier 2023

Start Your New Year With A Gratitude Journal: For A Happier 2023 - PleaseNotes

New Year, New you? Don’t stress—we get it! The new year is synonymous with a fresh start and an optimistic outlook. But the new you doesn’t always have to look like a new you. As cheesy as it sounds, there’s something about the passing of another 12-month cycle that can make us all a little bit happier. Luckily, there are lots of ways to help make your 2023 even better than your 2022 without having to spend money or time on them. Here are 5 tips that will help you start your New Year as happy as possible:

Decide What You’re Grateful For

Adopt a gratitude journal. If you’ve never heard of this idea before, it’s basically a journal where you write down what you’re grateful for on a daily basis. There are many different variations on this idea and they’re all fairly simple to do. You can either create a physical journal or just keep a digital inventory of everything you feel grateful for in your life. The reason why this is beneficial is because it helps us reflect on the good things that have happened and make sure we don’t forget about them. It also forces us to think about what we want to change in our lives so we don’t carry over our 2022 bad habits into 2023!

Related: Your Intro to Journaling - 3 Easy Ways to Start Gratitude Journaling

Be Who You Are

Every year, we get to try out new things and figure out what is going to make us happy. But sometimes, that doesn’t work. It’s important to remember why you chose your life: because you are happy with who you are. If you’re unhappy with the choices you made, it may be time for a change in career or lifestyle.

Help Someone In Need

The first step to making 2023 a better year is helping someone in need. Whether it’s donating some of your time or money, there are lots of different ways that you can help people this year (and every day). It might be as simple as volunteering at a local shelter or doing some cleaning out your community. You can also volunteer to work with a nonprofit or donate your time and/or resources to an organization that benefits children, women, seniors, or the environment.

Take A Sabbatical Every Once In A While

Take a break from your routine. We all know how difficult it can be to be the shining example of our best selves when we are constantly pushed to change and grow. When you don’t get any downtime for yourself, however, you may find that it’s harder to be happy and focused on what’s important. Taking a break every once in a while will do wonders for your overall happiness.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

We all get a little bit too caught up in the minute details of life. And while it’s important to take care of yourself, you also have to remember that the world won’t end if you don’t make your bed this morning. People are going to be fine without your help and it will be worth it in the long run.

Related: How To Process Your Emotions in Healthy, Productive Ways


In the New Year, start your day with gratitude! The key to a happier 2023 is being grateful for the little things in life. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you do have. Don’t sweat the small stuff this year and your New Year will be amazing.

Related: Five Ways To Use A Gratitude Journal To Improve Your Life

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