Retailer Spotlight: Sam and Lance

At PleaseNotes goods we LOVE our retail partners and to show the love we will be spotlighting one of these ahhmazing businesses each month right here on our blog!
If you’re local to any of these or in their area, be sure to check them out!
First up, meet Sam and Lance!
What are your names?
Alora & Veronica May
What are your pronouns?
both She/Her
What's your business name?
How long have you been in business?
3 Years
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The Juicy Stuff
How did you get into your line of work and why are you passionate about it?
We started SAM & LANCE as a way to help people shop ethical women-owned businesses. We pivoted our business in 2021 to focus on gifting and helping people acknowledge all of life's milestones, the good and the bad, traditional and non traditional. We were raised to take care of the earth and to support small businesses. As we grew up these values stayed with us and we became even more passionate, especially surrounding ethical business practices and supporting women owned. Our passion gets reignited each time we find a new vendor or meet a new customer, all these women coming together to follow their dreams and show others love makes us so proud of what we do.
What is a quote that made an impact on you? How did it come into your life and how do you use it?
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt.
We’d love to say that we read it in a biography but, well the truth is Princess Diaries was our introduction to it. When we were young after watching the movie this quote was so important, as teenage years are difficult and peers can be cruel and difficult. It was important to remember that their words have no power unless you let them have power. As adults dealing with imposter syndrome and questioning our path this quote helps us refocus and remember what is most important.
What piece of advice would you give the 2012 version of you? Why?
You are exactly where you need to be. Between 2012 and now we both went through interesting ups and downs and at times questioned our decisions and if we were doing the right things in our lives. But, every time, with both of us, everything worked out and led to bigger and better things. Every seemingly bad situation or wrong decision turned out to be right and we came out happier and stronger.
What activities do you do for self-care and mindfulness?
We both love yoga and meditation. We both get stressed so easily and find that regular meditation sessions and regular yoga really helps to calm our minds. It also allows for a deeper connection to the universe which reignites our passion and drive.
When you're feeling unsure of yourself, what do you do to realign yourself?
We are lucky to be not only business partners but sisters and best friends! When we are unsure or feeling upset we can always lean on each other. We have such opposite personalities just talking to each other can help reset and realign ourselves and we feel so lucky to be able to do that!
What do you want your legacy to be?
Women supporting women. We want women to celebrate all that life throws at them. We want women to have the confidence that men do to brag about the most seemingly mundane accomplishments. We want this movement of reaching out and lifting each other up to continue and become stronger and more fierce. We want women to start businesses, to run more companies to do the things that make them feel fierce and do so without fear of judgement. We want our legacy to be that we believe this with every fibre of our being and that when you hear SAM & LANCE you think of women supporting women
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About the Products
Why did you decide to partner with Cheryl Sutherland / PleaseNotes Goods?
First off, Cheryl is the best. Alora first met Cheryl at Make Lemonade and was drawn to her positive energy and her drive. We wanted to include PleaseNotes products on our site because we love what they stand for and they have really helped us in our personal lives with manifestation and positive thinking.
What items have you purchased / sell / use?
Guided Journals (Clarity and Gratitude)
Sticky Notes
Jotter Notebooks
What feedback do you have for the PleaseNotes team about working together?
Lets keep doing it we love you!
What have your clients said about the PleaseNotes items they have received from you?
Our clients absolutely love the journals, they are something that we always have in stock and also love to propose to our corporate clients. They look beautiful in the boxes and people love the meaning behind them, its a thoughtful and useful gift to receive and we have heard nothing but great things!
You can connect with Alora and Veronica and see all the amazing things they have to offer at Sam and Lance right here:
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