Recognizing Privilege: A Call to Gratitude

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the little things we take for granted every day. Riding a bus, grabbing a cup of coffee, or even sitting in front of the TV after a long day—these moments feel so ordinary. But what if they weren’t? What if, to someone else, these small comforts were the biggest dream they could imagine? Realizing this made me want to focus more on being grateful for what I have, rather than constantly chasing after what I don't.
Related: 20 Guided Gratitude Journal Prompts for a Blessed Life
Everyday Privileges
I started to notice how much I overlook the small privileges in my life. For example, just yesterday, I was stuck in traffic, feeling frustrated. But then I remembered that having a car is something to be thankful for. Many people don’t have that luxury and would love even just the option of public transportation. Writing these thoughts down in my positivity journal has made me more aware of these little blessings.
I realized the importance of gratitude when I began this practice. Not only does it shift my focus from what’s missing to what’s present, but it also makes me feel calmer and more centered. I learned that when we count our blessings—even the small ones, like having three meals a day or being able to use air conditioning on a hot day—it changes how we see the world.
Related: Why Practice Gratitude? - 3 Easy Ways to Start in 5 mins or less.
Why Being Thankful Feels Good
I’ve found that practicing gratitude helps me reduce stress, feel happier, and connect better with others. When I take a moment to list down simple things like enjoying a cup of tea or spending a few minutes in the fresh air, I feel lighter and more at peace. It’s a great reminder of all the good that already exists around me. Keeping a list of gratitude examples—like having a warm home, a job, or the ability to take care of my family—helps me maintain a positive outlook.
How to Notice Your Daily Blessings
If you're wondering how to start, here’s what I do: every morning, I write down three things I’m grateful for in my journal. It could be as simple as “having a cozy blanket to sleep under” or “the joy of a great book.” These examples of written blessings help me recognize the small comforts I might otherwise overlook. Here are a few others I often come back to:
- “I’m blessed to have friends who make me laugh.”
- “I’m thankful for the food on my table.”
- “I appreciate having a quiet moment to myself in a busy day.”
If you’re like me and sometimes struggle to find things to be grateful for, start small. Think about what you have right now that others might be wishing for. This habit has truly helped me understand the benefits of gratitude practice and appreciate the life I have, right where I am.
Related: The Guided Gratitude Journal
Reflecting on What You Have
Life isn’t always easy, and it’s normal to feel like things could be better. But when I remind myself to look at my everyday moments with fresh eyes, I see just how fortunate I really am. So, I challenge you to ask yourself today: What are you blessed for? Take a moment to write it down, and let that gratitude fill your heart. You might just find that you’re already living a life that someone else is dreaming of.
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