Build Confidence & Achieve Goals with an Affirmation Journal

"The next two pages were my favorite to complete. You take your current life inventory, the good, the bad, and the in-between and write it all down under four categories. The categories are Physical health and wellness, spiritual connection/ contribution to others, mental practice/wealth/liberty and emotional connection/relationships. On the adjacent page, you get the same categories, but you get to write your Ideal Life Inventory. This was so inspiring. I was able to see where I was, and where I wanted to be in one place. It makes it feasible and realistic.
Related: 10 Affirmations To Create Wealth
To finish off your “journal training”, you are given 3 pages to really dive deep into your dreams. There are tons of prompts to help guide your writing.
It doesn’t end there.
Related: 5 Revolutionary Books To Keep You Motivated as an Entrepreneur.
Thank you so much Erin for this magnificent post about the journal and some really great ways to use it.
Please check out her blog to read the whole post!
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