The "I AM" Blog - Inspiration, Affirmation, and Motivation

Why Journaling and Affirmations Can Transform Your Life
We all have dreams, aspirations, and desires we yearn to achieve. But navigating life's complexities and overcoming challenges can feel overwhelming at times. This is where two powerful tools emerge: journaling and affirmations. These practices, seemingly simple yet profound, can...
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Why Learning is an Act of Self-Care
Image credit: freepik Source:   Learning is often seen as a chore or a task, something to do for school or work. However, learning can be a powerful form of self-care, nurturing your well-being. A study published in Frontiers...
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Reframing Fitness: Beyond Just Burning Calories
For many, fitness conjures images of relentless calorie-burning, pushing through discomfort, and striving for an ideal physique. While physical activity is crucial for health, this perspective often leads to burnout, frustration, and a disconnect from our bodies. It's time to...
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